Restoration: Desk Fan
Video: Bounty Archive restores a rusty 1960s desk fan from the Goodwill electronics department.

50 Year-Old Book Restoration
In this video, watch as Bounty Archive gives a facelift to a 50 year-old book, trading its blown-out paper binding for an elegant hardcover with custom gold-foiling.

Pretty Tools
To make beautiful objects, having PRETTY TOOLS is a must. It is no surprise that history’s most celebrated creators wielded the sharpest tools.

How to Re-Cane a Chair Seat
Bounty Archive provides easy to follow DIY instructions on How To Re Cane a Chair Seat. Many cane chairs, such as the famous Knoll Cesca, are made to last for generations. Repairing the cane webbing yourself can be very rewarding and will extend the life of your furniture.

Restoration - Antique Sconce
BOUNTY RESTORATION! My girlfriend found this sconce outside at an antiques store in Connecticut on a rainy day. We could tell that it had been outside for a while due to the rusted metal and oxidized plastic. Watch me restore this sconce and give it a nice home in my New York apartment!