Market Day Recipe - Carrot Water

Carrot Water

Experienced chefs will tell you that peeling your carrots when you return from Market Day and adding them to a jar of water will keep them fresh and preserve their crunch! The best-kept secret however, is that the water they are bathed in is the real prize.

We’ve all heard the old adage “Don’t throw the baby away with the bathwater". When it comes to carrots, the bathwater is the baby. Make sense?

Follow this Bounty Archive Market Day Recipe to learn how to make Carrot Water, a strikingly refreshing beverage.

Some recipes are culinary achievements that rewrite history. Others simply make you say “Wow, that was easy. I wish I had thought of that.” This recipe is both.

Before we get started, here are a few frequently asked questions regarding Carrot Water:

How can I make my Carrot Water EXTRA flavorful?

You can crank up the flavor of your Carrot Water two ways:

  1. More Time: Longer exposure to the water will allow for increased osmosis, resulting in water with more carrot flavor.

  2. More Carrot: Slicing the carrots thinner, or adding more carrots to the water will produce more potent results. More surface area = More carrot flavor.

Can I make more than one batch of Carrot Water from the same carrots?

Yes, one of the biggest let-downs of making Carrot Water is that once you drink it all, it is gone. Never fear. You can simply refill the water jar and after waiting another cycle, you’ll have another serving of crisp carrot water! Carrot flavor may diminish after several cycles.

Can I add other flavors to my carrot water?

Certainly, though this would technically make the beverage cease to be “Carrot Water”. If you choose to add further flavors, you should be mindful when speaking about it to friends/family/colleagues to avoid the embarrassment of referring to it as simply “Carrot Water”.

Carrot Water Recipe Details


  • Carrot

  • Water


  1. Go to Market Day and grab a bunch of carrots that catch your eye.

  2. Take them home and cut off the tops. Compost the carrot tops, unless you have other plans for them.

  3. Wash your carrots (optional).

  4. Peel the carrots. This step will allow carrot flavors to interact with the water more easily.

  5. Fill a jar of your choice with your peeled carrots.

  6. Load your jar up with water. A lid is not required for this recipe, but it is probably a solid idea if you plan to leave the carrots for a while.

  7. Put your carrot water unit in the fridge and try your best to wait. Waiting longer will allow the carrots and water to share secrets and get to know each other. This is important.

  8. Serve your carrot water over ice and enjoy!

  9. Reload your carrot water jar with more water and repeat steps 7 and 8 as many times as you please.

Leave a comment below! What type of activities did you do while waiting for your carrot water to mature? What type of glass did you serve your carrot water in?


Interview: Bobby


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