Book: Fruit Sticker Album

In this video, watch as Bounty Archive handcrafts a unique notebook meant to catalogue fruit stickers. 

In 2022, Bounty Archive turned the scientific community on its head by introducing S.A.U.M (Sticker Artfulness/Utility Matrix).

What followed was a seismic shift in the world’s understanding of produce stickers.
While the spotlight was intense, my research into the intersection of fruit sticker artistry and usefulness never ceased. I was logging more stickers than ever, and the Muji notebook (middle of the mall/off the rack type shit) that I began with more than three years ago, was full.

I set forth designing a new fruit sticker album that would service my studies for years to come.

About the Project:

One of several details that make this project S-tier (meaning intellectually elevated, visually stimulating, and containing never-before seen techniques) are the hand-painted end papers.

Antique vanilla end-leaf paper was blotted with vegetable trimmings from onion, carrot, and cabbage, to create acrylic impressions of their divine natural textures.

The book’s design features a dope lil window as well, allowing admirers a scandalous peek into the aforementioned collage of vibrant natural wonder within.

Since this book is a research tool, it’s paramount that it possess the utility you’d expect from any other vessel of scientific discovery. Think volumetric flask or electron microscope.

To this end, a reinforced 1/4” hole was structured directly into the book’s exoskeleton, allowing the unit to be hung from the wall beside my sink, where I typically harvest fruit stickers.

They say “a mother loves best an ugly child”. Though I’ve always thought that to be a sweet sentiment, I never was one for making ugly things. That is exactly why I wrapped the entire book in fine Italian Canapetta linen book cloth, lending a sense of luxury and official-ness fit for the “Librarian’s Recommendation” section at the Library of Congress.

If you have any questions about this project, materials, bookbinding, fruit stickers, or otherwise, contact Bounty Archive Management, or leave a comment.


Book: Uchi


Paintings Series 5