How to make a Rubber Stamp

In a world full of fakes, phonies, and imitators, it seems like a rubber stamp is the only way to make something official.

Stamps are like fingerprints or snowflakes in that no two are the same supposedly.

A Letterbox - Image courtesy of

I learned this skill while Letterboxing as a wee lad. Letterboxing is an early online community (pre social media) of people who enjoy real-world treasure hunting. On the letterboxing forum, you could look up your area and get clues for the location of a hidden Tupperware box.

Something to the effect of “find the large oak tree and take 50 paces West”.

Inside you would find a notebook (where you would leave your stamp), as well as the stamp of the box’s creator, which you could add to your own log.

A Strawberry stamp from Casey’s

This project was inspired by Casey’s Rubber Stamps, a charming East Village institution no larger than a food truck kitchen. For 43 years, John Casey has made rubber stamps using a complex old-school method that is reserved for the pros.

Inside Casey’s Rubber Stamps at 322 EAST 11TH STREET, NYC 10003

To make your own rubber stamp you’ll need the following items.



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