Giveaway - Instagram Face Filter
Giveaways Nick Piscatelli Giveaways Nick Piscatelli

Giveaway - Instagram Face Filter

Introducing the BAFF (Bounty Archive Face Filter).

Use this filter to show the world you are finding a balance between creation and consumption!

Post a story on IG using the filter and tag @Bountyarchive to enter to win 1 of 32 Bounty Archive BA-1 Notebooks.

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Fruit Stickers
Experiments, Thoughts Nick Piscatelli Experiments, Thoughts Nick Piscatelli

Fruit Stickers

The fruit sticker becomes an interesting medium when you consider the motive of the designer. Every fruit sticker exists somewhere in a matrix of Artfulness and Utility. Bounty Archive explains the design of produce stickers and the impact they have on the environment.

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