Paulaner Spezi

Paulaner Spezi

In life and in the packaged beverage industry alike, when you get big, haters will pray on your downfall. Such is the case in the history of Spezi (ʃpeːtsi), the famous German soda comprised of “Coffeinhaltige Orangenlimonade mit Cola” (Caffeinated Orange Lemonade with Cola).

(1974) - In one of the most regrettable business agreements in the history of the soft drinks, Riegele (who invented the name “Spezi” for the common mix) slept a deep REM sleep on the product’s potential and sold Paulaner (a Munich brewer) the rights to the name for the equivalent of only a few thousand Euros in today’s money.

Paulaner took the same bag that Riegele fumbled and ran it 100 yards (91.44 meters) for the touchdown, growing their take on the drink to the status of confirmed cross-generational cult banger.

(2022) - Riegele, saltier than a Bavarian pretzel at Paulaner’s success, grew tired of pocket-watching and foolishly launched a lawsuit, trying to claw back the Spezi name. In this “Spezi War”, a Munich court ruled in favor of Paulaner, acknowledging the validity of the original contract and their right to mutual use of the Spezi name.


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