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Snacks Nick Piscatelli Snacks Nick Piscatelli

Goralki Kremowa Wanilia

Goralki is a Polish wafer snack manufactured in Krakow, Poland by IDC Polonia SA. While some take the wok to Poland, others take the Goralki from the Polish specialty grocery store. The packaging for this snack bares the word Nagie (“Naked” in Polish), which is exactly what this airy wafer was once I removed the wrapper. Huh. This Kremowa Wanilia variant (creamy vanilla) delivered a potent vanilla flavor, though I found the wafer to be quite dry.

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Bounty Nick Piscatelli Bounty Nick Piscatelli


Chipster by Belin is the French’s take on potato chips. The airy, potent crunch of these crisps is most like Munchos.

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Bounty Nick Piscatelli Bounty Nick Piscatelli

Milka - Daim Bites

Visit any European convenience or grocery store and you are bound to find several squared meters of shelf space dedicated to Milka and all of its derivatives. Milka will seemingly collaborate with any and all candy or snack brand, smooshing whatever they bring to the table between layers of their sugar-packed chocolate.

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Bounty Nick Piscatelli Bounty Nick Piscatelli


These chocolate bites hail from Sweden and contain a sweet, crunchy almond brittle.

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Nick Piscatelli Nick Piscatelli


These french candies were created by accident when one of French confectioner Mr. Fauchille’s machines went haywire and began producing extra-long candies. Carambar has been engrained in French culture ever since.

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Bounty Nick Piscatelli Bounty Nick Piscatelli


MisterCorn should be remembered as a cornerstone Bounty. A staple bar snack across Spain, these nuts and raisins pertain to the domain of frutos secos meaning “dried fruits”.

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Snacks Nick Piscatelli Snacks Nick Piscatelli

Galletas Principe

First made in 1890 as a gift for the prince of Belgium, today these cookies are available in many countries under several “prince” - related names.

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